30 Symptoms Of Illnesses You Should Take Seriously

With how busy most of us are every single day, we tend to brush off the little signals that our body sends us.  How many times have you noticed something odd with your health and just shrugged it off, thinking that it’ll pass? Some avoid going to the doctor to have it checked out of fear that it might be worse than they think.

Remember that the first step to fighting a disease or an illness is facing the possibility that it’s there. To help you, here are some symptoms you might want to use your insurance for to get a checkup.

1.Forgetting People’s Names

Forgetting a co-worker or a neighbor’s name once in a while is normal. Especially if you don’t interact with them closely every day. It’s even more common when you’re stressed, overworked or running low on sleep.

However, if you notice and increase in the frequency of your forgetfulness, including the names of people you are very close with and common words you use, then consider getting checked for hypothyroidism. This disorder happens when your thyroid doesn’t produce the proper combination of hormones. Forgetfulness is a symptom of it, so it’s best not to wait. Step on the gas and visit your doctor immediately.

2.Sweating Excessively

Sweating is the body’s natural way of cooling off. You sweat during stressful meetings, during extensive workouts, or walking in the summer heat. It’s totally normal. However, if you find yourself sweating in situations that are neither stressful nor hot, it could be a sign that something else is going on.

Primary focal hyperhidrosis is a genetic disorder that causes excessive sweating on your feet, face, hands, and underarms.  It could be easily treated with medication. This symptom could also point to secondary hyperhidrosis, which is associated to menopause, lymphoma, and heat exhaustion. Visit your doctor and check if it’s really just your mortgage you’re sweating about.

3.Red Or White Dots Under Fingernails

Be honest, how often do you even notice your fingernails? Not very often, probably.Fingernails are actually a really good indicator of one’s health. The red or white dots or streaks under your fingernails are called “splinter hemorrhages”. They appear if your fingers experience some type of trauma, such as dropping something on them. However, if they appear without plausible cause, you should consider going to the doctor.

It could be a symptom of systematic lupus erythemastosus (SLE), an autoimmune disease that causes blood clotting, joint pains, and erratic circulation to the fingers. Make the most out of your insurance today.

4.Pale Skin

Some people are naturally pale, while others turn paler as the season changes. However, if you find your skin turning paler than usual, it can be a sign of reduced blood flow throughout your body. It could also be a sign that your body’s not producing enough red blood cells.

If that’s the cause, maybe you should get checked for anemia. Anemia is usually caused by iron deficiency and is easily solved with iron supplements and a change of diet. If you don’t cook red meat often, you can take online classes to learn how to do it the right way.

5.Change In Handwriting

Many people depend on computer keyboards nowadays to do their writing, so changes in one’s handwriting is often unnoticed. However, if you ever find yourself jotting down a to-do list and notice that your words are looking more crowded together, or getting smaller and smaller, it might be an early warning sign of Parkinson’s disease.

Make an appointment with your neurologist as soon as you notice the signs. Parkinson’s disease have no cure and no set treatment, but there are many medications that will help manage it. When caught early, Parkinson’s patients can continue living their life normally to a degree.


Millions of people in the world snore, but does it mean that they all have underlying illnesses? No, not really, but it doesn’t exempt them from the very likely possibility. It can be caused by alcohol consumption, allergies, or a cold. However, if your snoring becomes consistent, you may actually have a deviated septum or enlarged tonsils.

If your snoring is accompanied by high blood pressure, chest pains at night, and inability to concentrate, you may be suffering from sleep apnea. To make sure, visit a doctor for a diagnosis, preferably one that’s included in the network of your insurance policy.

7.Peeing A Lot More

On average, people urinate six to seven times in one day. Of course, there are numerous factors affecting this including the volume of water intake and even the weather. Although, if you find yourself urinating more frequently for no reason, it may be a symptom of bladder or kidney problems.

It could also be attributed to a urinary tract infection like chlamydia. In order to make sure, set an appointment with your doctor or visit a clinic after taking note of the frequency of which you pee for the doctor’s reference.

Make the most out of your insurance policy!

8.Frequent Heartburn

Heartburn is the uncomfortable burning sensation that you might feel in your throat or chest due to stomach acid. It’s usually caused by eating spicy food or consuming alcohol, which causes acid reflux. It is most common in overweight patients and smokers.

If you find yourself wincing because of a heartburn more than a few times each week, you might want to lay off the heartburn pills. Frequent heartburns can cause inflammation in the esophagus, ulcers, and serious bleeding, when left untreated.Go to the doctor and get things checked in order to save yourself from a heftier, bigger credit card bill.

9.Cheek Rash

People get rashes due to all sorts of reasons. It could be caused by a change in the weather, a mosquito bite, an allergy or even a fever. However, if it isn’t any of these things, then it could be a sign of something more serious.

A butterfly-shaped rash on your cheek may be a symptom of a complex autoimmune disease called lupus erythematosus. It occurs in women between the ages of 15 and 44. Lupus treatment is very expensive and often causes its patients to take out cash loans. Thus, it’s best to visit a doctor early if you find this rash.

10.Numbing Sensation

Numbness in the limbs usually happens if pressure is put on it; like sitting on your butt for too long or sleeping on your arm. It just takes a couple of shakes to get the feeling back. However, if you’re getting the pins and needle sensation on only one side of your body, face or limbs it might be a sign of stroke.

Numbness is a symptom of stroke and it’s best to immediately contact an emergency line or a doctor. This is especially so if it’s coupled with sudden confusion, blurred vision, vertigo and a certain degree of difficulty in speaking. Call 911 immediately.

11.Losing Weight

Many people make it their goal to lose weight. Usually, results show when you change your diet or increase your regular physical activity. However, if you’ve noticed that you’re losing weight without any change in your lifestyle, there may be a more serious issue.

Unexplained weight loss can be attributed to many diseases and conditions, including HIV, inflammatory bowel disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. So, don’t let yourself go just because you’ve met your weight goal due to unexplained circumstances. Remember, your health is one of your biggest investments. It’s best to visit a doctor and keep yourself healthy.

12.Change In your Skin Mole

Moles are normal. Some people have none, while others have several but one thing is for sure— a mole is usually symmetrical and doesn’t change its shape or color. If you notice your mole undergo changes, visit your dermatologist. It could be a symptom of melanoma or basal cell carcinoma.

It is recommended for every adult to get a skin evaluation annually from a dermatologist to catch any issues early on. Check your insurance policy to find the nearest one included in your company’s network. If there’s none, do try to get checked as part of your health maintenance.

13.Feeling Thirsty All The Time

Thirst is easily quenched by drinking a glass of water. It’s the first sign of dehydration which can lead to headaches, dizziness, and confusion. This is why health experts advise people to drink lots of water to help maintain their overall well-being.

If you’ve noticed that thirstiness has increased, despite drinking the right amount of water and not changing anything in your lifestyle, take stock because it might be tied to diabetes. Diabetes is a condition that can’t be cured, only managed, so it’s best to catch it early. It is best if you have insurance as it usually covers diabetes medications.

14.Thickening Of The Skin On Palms

We use our hands all day long for different activities, ranging from writing to doing the laundry. It’s hard not to notice the change in your palms, especially when they suddenly turn thick and velvety.

Medical experts refer to this condition as “tripe palms”, because it looks similar to the stomach lining of a sheep or cow. Though it seems harmless, tripe palms are actually an indicator of a malignant tumor growing in one’s body. If you suspect that you might have this condition, visit your doctor immediately. Don’t depend on the internet or online classes to diagnose your sickness.

15.Feeling Fatigued All The Time

It isn’t unusual for people to feel tired. This often happens at the end of a long day at work or school. Usually, you can recover by sleeping a full eight hours or doing relaxing activities. If you’re still tired, perhaps you need healthier food or a power nap.

However, if you’re genuinely healthy, your fatigue might be a symptom of an underlying condition or disease. Persistent fatigue and low energy levels can be an indicator of hypothyroidism, heart disease, and depression. It doesn’t take a finance degree to know that it costs less to prevent sickness rather than cure it.

16.Acne Breakouts

Getting acne is a normal occurrence, especially during one’s teenage years. It’s a natural rite of passage, one could say. If you’ve changed your skincare routine, this could also cause acne breakouts. However, persistent breakouts may actually be a symptom of other imbalances in the body.

Acne breakouts can mean that your body is producing too much oil. It could also signal hormonal imbalances inside your body. Instead of swiping your credit card to purchase more expensive skincare products and treatments, it’s best to go to a dermatologist to learn more about why you keep breaking out and solve it once and for all.

17.Persistent Coughs

A nagging cough, whether it’s a dry or wet one, can be very annoying. Usually, it stays after the tail end of a cold or flu and disappears after a few days. However, if it continues for weeks, it becomes a cause for concern.

It could be a symptom of something serious like lung issues or whooping cough. Lung infections can be taken care of with antibiotics, but it’s a different case when it comes to whooping cough. Best visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Medication and routine check-ups with pulmonologists are usually covered even by basic insurance plans.

18.Dry And Cracked Skin

Dry skin is common especially during wintertime when the air is dry, or when you don’t get enough water during a hot day. However, it can also be a sign of fungal infection, like athlete’s foot.

The feet are the most vulnerable to dry and cracked skin because it doesn’t have oil-producing glands that help combat the growth of fungal bacteria. If it’s not the athlete’s foot, it could be eczema or dermatitis. These are all easy to cure with proper medication and medical advice from professionals. Your insurance policy might cover visits to your dermatologist, so it’s best to make use of it.

19.Difficulty In Basic Math

Many people find math difficult, but if you’re one of the people who have always been good with numbers, but suddenly find it difficult to do basic math, take it seriously and don’t laugh it off. A symptom like this may be a sign that you’re in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

Unfortunately, Alzheimer’s disease currently has no known treatment. The only thing that can be done is to properly manage it. It’s a neurological disease that affects the brain’s cortex and usually affects the older population. Think of your brain as a network of electricity slowly losing connection, thus making you forget things.

20.Getting Dizzy Often

Dizziness is often attributed to a feeling of imbalance, maybe after a roller coaster ride or a particularly bumpy road trip. It’s characterized by a spinning sensation and can sometimes be accompanied by fainting spells.

If you find yourself getting dizzy once in a while when you stand up, you might have low blood pressure or low blood sugar levels. Both of which can be easily remedied by the right medication or change of diet. However, if you’re suffering from chronic dizziness, it’s time to get checked. Step on the gas and visit your doctor’s clinic and get a proper, solid diagnosis.

21.Random Temper Tantrums

Everyone throws temper tantrums every once in a while. It could be because of a stressful day at work, an annoying co-worker or the defeat of a team you’re rooting for. It could also be because of lack of sleep, which often leads to irritability.

However, if you or the people around you start to notice that your tantrums have become frequent and uncontrollable, then you might want to visit a psychologist. Temper tantrums could be a sign of depression.  Get in contact with your agent and check if your insurance policy covers visits to your desired psychologist and mental health medications.

22.White Rings Around Your Cornea

The eyes are the windows to the soul – or in this case, to your physical health. If you find white or off-white rings around your cornea, don’t panic. Those are called arus senillis and these are not unusual for people over 30 years of age.

However, if you’re still young and already seeing these, check your cholesterol levels. Arus senillis in younger individuals is a sign of high cholesterol that is caused by genetics or poor diet. High cholesterol can cause a slew of other diseases like strokes, heart attacks, and other heart conditions. It doesn’t take a finance degree to know that prevention is better than cure.

23.Losing Too Much Body Hair

Shedding is a normal occurrence, not only for furry animals, but also humans. It allows for new hair and cells to replace the old. As years go on, hair growth becomes sparser especially when people start approaching middle age. This is because hormone levels change as people grow older.

Dramatic hair loss, however, is something to be concerned about. If you notice your hair thinning out or your shower drain getting clogged with hair, it’s time to visit your doctor. It could be a signal of unhealthy fluctuations in hormone levels. Visit a specialist instead of swiping your credit cards for overpriced hair products.

24.Weight Gain Around The Belly

The weight around your belly is often referred to as visceral fat. As the name suggests, it’s the bad kind of fat because it surrounds vital organs. It’s usually caused by a variation of things like poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, menopause, stress, or genetics.

If you find yourself gaining more fat than usual around your waist area, ask for a professional medical opinion. Visceral fat can make you more susceptible to illnesses like stroke, heart diseases, and diabetes. Avoid those diseases by managing your symptoms early. Visit a doctor in your insurance company’s network and save more in the long run.


Swelling is a manifestation of your body’s battle against internal infection. It helps with repairing damaged tissues. If you find your feet or ankles swollen, it could also be linked to poor circulation. That’s partly the reason why pregnant women tend to have swollen feet.

However, if you’re not pregnant or did not injure the affected area, swelling could be a sign that your blood vessels are weakening or you have a blood clot in your veins. If left untreated, this could cause a stroke or heart-related traumas. Instead of using your credit cards to purchase new shoes, visit your doctor instead.

26.Chest Pains

Chest pain is a well-known sign of a heart attack or other heart-related diseases, so it is important that you pay attention to it. If you’re experiencing consistent and painful chest pains, step on the gas or have someone drive you to the emergency room.

Although heart attack is not the only reason behind chest pains, it is the most fatal. Chest pains can also be caused by a pulled muscle or heartburn- (which can also worsen and damage the esophagus if not treated.) Coupled with nausea and excessive sweating, chest pains can also be a sign of an impending stroke.

27.Sensitive Teeth

As we grow older, the enamel in our teeth begins to wear away. This causes our teeth to become sensitive to cold or hot food. But if you’re still young and you’ve noticed drastic increase in the sensitivity of your molars, it could be a sign of acid reflux.

Stomach acid that refluxes up to the throat causes the enamel of the molars to melt away, this is then followed by tooth decay. Beyond your dental health, diagnosing this early on can help your doctor treat the problem better. Oncology tests like colonoscopy and lactose intolerance tests are often covered by insurance.

28.Bleeding Nipples

Bleeding nipples is never a good sign. Regardless of whether you’re female or male, do not brush off this symptom as it could be a sign of health issues with your breast. Most illnesses can be treated, but it’s important to be observant and spot the symptoms early on.

Treatments can expensive and it is better to avoid the worse stages of a disease as it might no longer work as effectively by then. Remember, it can also be a very stressful and emotionally traumatic experience for a whole family. Always include health and wellness in your investments and visit a doctor regularly.

29.Inflamed And Swelling Gums

Dental health has been proven to be directly related to one’s overall physical health. According to experts, there’s a link between bacteria that causes gum disease to bacteria that causes heart disease.

Therefore, if you notice your gums swelling and looking inflamed, visit your dentist and your physician. If you can, book an appointment with your cardiologist. A disrupted gum layer can send bacteria straight into the bloodstream and to the heart, so it’s best to cover all your bases. Check if your insurance covers your dental services. Once it’s treated, make sure to never glaze over your dental health again.

30.Blood In Urine

Blood is always shocking to find, especially in your urine. It could be a symptom of several medical conditions, usually involving the kidney and bladder. It could be caused by a bladder infection, kidney stones, or other more severe kidney diseases.

Don’t take online classes and try to diagnose yourself. Once you find blood in your urine visit an urologist and get it checked. Regardless of what the issue might be, it’s good to catch it early on and begin treatment immediately. Routine tests may not be included in your insurance but you’ll definitely pay less if you have one.

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